Single session and weekly beta 2-microglobulin removal with different dialytic procedures: Comparison between high-flux standard bicarbonate hemodialysis, post-dilution hemodiafiltration, short frequent hemodialysis with NxStage technology and automated peritoneal dialysis
Blood Purification May 08, 2019
Brunati CCM, et al. - Researchers investigated the influence of NxStage System One cycler (NSO), a “low dialysate volumes system”, on the removal rate of poorly diffusible, time-dependent solutes like β2-microglobulin (β2M). For this purpose, they performed single-session and weekly balances of β2M. These were compared in patients on daily NSO (n=12), on standard high-flux bicarbonate dialysis (BHD, n=13), on standard post-dilution on line hemodiafiltration (HDF, n=5), and 13 patients on automated peritoneal dialysis (APD). HDF and NSO (at a 6/week prescription) had equal weekly β2M removal efficiency and provided the highest weekly β2M removal, which was slightly lesser in BHD and lowest in APD.
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