Single embryo transfer vs double embryo transfer: A cost-effectiveness analysis in a United States military treatment facility
Fertility and Sterility Apr 11, 2019
Sitler CA, et al. - Researchers investigated the cost-effectiveness of stepwise single embryo transfer (SET) vs double embryo transfer (DET) in a U.S. Military Treatment Facility via creating a cost-effectiveness model based on 250 patients who underwent IVF at their facility. From patient charts, they collected data regarding age, body mass, and infertility diagnosis, and using the SART (Society of Assisted Reproductive Technology) patient predictor website, they collected percentage live birth rates of singleton and twin pregnancy for each patient depending on whether 1 or 2 embryos were transferred. If SET is performed in 250 model patients, live births of 143 are expected (7 twin births), costing $8.7 million in total, and $34,993 per pregnancy (CPP). If DET is pursued in the model patients, 118 live births are expected (89 twin births), costing $18.7 million, in total and $74,934 CPP. These data suggest a higher cost-efficacy of transferring embryos one at a time than DET in U.S. Military Treatment Facilities. While slightly higher personal costs are evident with SET, the total savings should alter practice patterns within the U.S. Military. Data thereby suggest that for the U.S. Military, covering IVF with mandating single embryo transfer would be beneficial, which may, in turn, decrease U.S. Military Insurance cost by greater than 8 million dollars at the facility alone when obstetric and neonatal costs are considered, and may increase patient satisfaction in this area.
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