Single-bundle vs double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction—5-year results
Arthroscopy Jun 27, 2018
Mayr HO, et al. - Researchers performed this prospective randomized study to compare the clinical outcome results between patients who underwent anatomic single-bundle (SB) vs double-bundle (DB) anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACL-R), with follow-up performed at 5 years after surgery using the follow-up (FU) examination comprised International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) 2000, Laxitester (ORTEMA Sport Protection, Markgroeningen, Germany) measurement, and radiograph evaluation. In both the groups ie, anatomic SB and DB ACL-Rs, no differences were seen in the IKDC subjective and objective scores. Overall, findings of 5 years FU revealed that with regard to patient-related and objective outcome measures, neither the DB nor SB technique in ACL-R demonstrated any advantage.
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