Single and repeat cervical length measurement in twin gestations with threatened preterm labour
Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology May 12, 2019
Prodan N, et al. - At the perinatal unit at the University Hospital of Tuebingen, Germany, researchers performed this retrospective study including women with twin gestations with painful and regular uterine contractions at 24+0 to 33+6 weeks of gestation to assess the value of first and second cervical length measurement for predicting preterm delivery in symptomatic women with twin pregnancies. They noted delivery within seven days after the initial examination in 29.0%, 10.6%, 4.2%, 6.3% and 0% in the cervical length groups <10 mm, 10.0-14.9 mm, 15.0-19.9 mm, 20.0-24.9 mm, and >25.0 mm, respectively. Findings thereby suggest the predictive value of the cervical length for preterm delivery within seven days of presentation in symptomatic women with twin gestations. However, they identified relatively weak test performance.
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