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Significant elevation of the levels of B-cell activating factor (BAFF) in patients with sarcoidosis

Clinical Rheumatology Sep 15, 2018

Ando M, et al. - Researchers examined the B-cell activating factor (BAFF), which plays an important role in the survival and differentiation of B-cells and production of antibodies, and further clarified the correlation between BAFF levels and the disease activity or severity of sarcoidosis by analyzing data of 88 patients with sarcoidosis and 21 healthy volunteers. Findings from this study demonstrated positive correlations between the BAFF levels and the disease severity score in both the serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Researchers also identified positive correlations between the serum BAFF level and disease activity markers. Results suggested that BAFF might be useful as an indicator of both the disease activity and severity.

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