Significance of isolating non-tuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) organisms in infertile women with tubal disease: An observational study
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology May 18, 2019
Prabhu TRB, et al. - Researchers performed this prospective observational study of women with tubal factor infertility in order to examine the association of non – tuberculous mycobacterial organisms with for tubal disease leading to infertility. Investigating 173 infertile women with tubal disease using PCR, culture and histo-pathological examination, they identified tubal disease in association with mycobacterial tuberculosis in 30%, gonococci in1.7%, Chlamydia in 7.5%and NTM in 23.7%of cases. The presence of NTM organisms, in the absence of MTB, gonococci and Chlamydia infection, indicates the possibility of a role of these organisms in tubal damage leading to infertility.
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