Significance of combined anti-CCP antibodies and rheumatoid factor in a New Zealand cohort of patients with systemic sclerosis
International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases Jul 11, 2018
Kamalaksha S, et al. - Data were collected prospectively from the Waikato Hospital Systemic Sclerosis (SSc) Clinics to assess the frequency of rheumatoid factor (RF) and anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP) in the SSc cohort and their relationship with clinical features. For the purpose of this investigation, subjects with SSc and SOS (systemic sclerosis overlap syndrome) underwent baseline auto-antibody profiling including RF and anti-CCP along with annual clinical review. It was concluded that articular manifestations were common in SSc. The data presented in this work showed a statistically significant relationship of double antibody positivity with arthralgia and erosions. In addition, a significant association between anti-CCP antibody and erosions was found.
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