Significance of bronchiolocentric fibrosis in patients with histopathologic usual interstitial pneumonia
Histopathology Feb 15, 2019
Tanizawa K, et al. - In patients with a histopathologic pattern of usual interstitial pneumonia, researchers assessed the clinical significance of bronchiolocentric fibrosis. For this investigation, they identified 252 patients with pathological usual interstitial pneumonia pattern. Findings suggested that most subjects with bronchiolocentric fibrosis and a histopathologic pattern of usual interstitial pneumonia have idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. This combined fibrotic pattern is, however, associated with a non-idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis multidisciplinary diagnosis with about one-quarter of these patients being diagnosed as chronic hypersensitivity pneumonia or unclassifiable interstitial fibrosis. The presence of bronchiolocentric fibrosis in these patients is not significantly related to presumed clinical risk factors for bronchiolocentric involvement, radiologic findings, MUC5B genotype, telomere length, or survival time.
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