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Shrug radiographs for the diagnosis of long thoracic nerve palsy in traumatic brachial plexus injury

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Aug 09, 2020

Yukata K, Doi K, Okabayashi T, et al. - This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of shrug radiographs for the diagnosis of long thoracic nerve palsy in traumatic brachial plexus injury. Researchers performed a retrospective review including a total of 56 patients with traumatic brachial plexus injury (BPI) who had been receiving treatment at a single institution for over 8 years. Individuals were categorized into 2 groups: a long thoracic nerve (LTN) palsy group (n = 30) and a no palsy control group (n = 26). It was shown that after traumatic BPI, dynamic shrug radiographs provide a useful objective diagnosis of LTN palsy.

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