Shoulder arthroscopy with vs without suprascapular nerve release: Clinical outcomes and return to sport rate in elite overhead athletes
Arthroscopy Jun 27, 2018
Tsikouris GD, et al. - Researchers performed this study on elite overhead athletes who underwent shoulder arthroscopy and decompression of the suprascapular nerve (SSN) vs overhead athletes who underwent shoulder arthroscopy without SSN release. They intended to compare the clinical outcomes and return to sport rate between both the above-mentioned group of overhead athletes. They found that compared with shoulder arthroscopy without SSN decompression, combined shoulder arthroscopy and SSN release provided superior clinical outcomes, greater improvement in University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) score, and a higher return to sport rate in elite overhead athletes with shoulder pathology and SSN entrapment. Irrespective of SSN treatment, the patient acceptable symptom state was shown to be achieved by both groups after shoulder arthroscopy.
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