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Should preoperative fascia iliaca block be used for hip arthroscopic labral repair and femoroacetabular impingement treatment? A prospective single blinded randomized study

Arthroscopy Jan 29, 2020

Huang MJ, et al. - In order to find out the analgesic effect of preoperative fascia iliaca block on postoperative morphine equivalent dose, pain level, and individual satisfaction for patients electing to undergo primary hip arthroscopic labral repair with osteochondroplasty, researchers conducted prospective study including 60 individuals undergoing elective arthroscopic hip surgery by a single board-certified orthopedic surgeon, fellowship-trained in hip arthroscopy. Individuals were assigned randomly by surgical date to receive preoperative fascia iliaca block or control (no fascia iliaca block). They assessed postoperative morphine equivalent dose, self-reported pain level (visual analog scale) and individual satisfaction. No significant differences were found between the control group and the fascia iliaca block group in gender, age, height, weight, or body mass index. Compared with the control group, no significant differences were obtained in the postoperative morphine equivalent dose for individuals receiving fascia iliaca block. No significant differences were noted in self-reported visual analog scale pain and patient satisfaction between the 2 groups at any of the measured time points following surgery. The data indicated that routine preoperative fascia iliaca block for elective hip arthroscopic labral repair and treatment of femoroacetabular impingement is not recommended.
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