Short-term quality of life after myomectomy for uterine fibroids from the Compare-UF fibroid registry
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nov 09, 2019
Laughlin-Tommaso SK, Lu D, Thomas L, et al. - Researchers examined women undergoing hysteroscopic, abdominal, or laparoscopic myomectomy for the perception of their short-term health-related quality of life measures and reported time to return to usual activities and return to work. From eight sites of Comparing Options for Management: Patient-centered Results for Uterine Fibroids (Compare-UF), a prospective nationwide fibroid registry study, they assessed 1,206 women who underwent myomectomy (338 hysteroscopic, 519 laparoscopic, 349 abdominal). Outcomes revealed a substantial improvement in health-related quality of life among women who underwent myomectomy; this was observed regardless of the route of myomectomy. After propensity weighting, abdominal myomectomy vs laparoscopic myomectomy was linked with an approximately 2-week longer time to return to work.
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