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Short-term outcomes associated with drain use in shoulder arthroplasties: A prospective, randomized controlled trial

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Jan 20, 2019

Trofa DP, et al. - A sum of 100 subjects (average age, 69.3 years) were prospectively randomized to study the immediate consequences during the perioperative period related to the use of drains in total shoulder arthroplasty or reverse shoulder arthroplasty. Postoperatively, they found no effect of drains on transfusion rates or any other perioperative complexity. They observed no significant deviations in hemoglobin or hematocrit levels immediately after surgery or on day next to surgery. They observed no apparent variation on short-term perioperative results, postoperative anemia, length of hospital stay, or cost by using drains after shoulder arthroplasty. They hypothesized that the possible negative impacts of postoperative drainage were blunted by the conventional use of tranexamic acid.
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