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Short-term intensive insulin as induction and maintenance therapy for the preservation of beta-cell function in early type 2 diabetes (RESET-IT Main): A 2-year randomized controlled trial

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism May 28, 2021

Retnakaran R, Emery A, Ye C, et al. - Researchers assumed that the addition of periodic courses of short-term intensive insulin therapy (IIT) could enhance the effect of metformin (MET) maintenance therapy on the preservation of beta-cell function following induction IIT. A multicentre, randomized controlled trial was conducted to randomize 108 adults with type 2 diabetes (median 1.3 years’ duration; HbA1c 6.6% ± 0.6%) to 3 weeks of induction IIT (glargine, lispro) followed by MET maintenance, either with or without periodic 2-week courses of IIT every 3 months for 2 years. Researchers evaluated beta-cell function by the Insulin Secretion Sensitivity Index-2 at an oral glucose tolerance test every 3 months. Subsequent repeat courses of IIT every 3 months do not further enhance the effect of MET maintenance therapy on beta-cell function, although initial induction IIT induces metabolic improvement.

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