Short-term functional advantages after medial unicompartmental vs total knee arthroplasty
The Knee May 15, 2018
Friesenbichler B, et al. - Experts evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of using unicompartmental (UKA) vs total knee arthroplasty (TKA) to treat patients with knee osteoarthritis. They evaluated isometric quadriceps strength, spatio-temporal gait parameters (walking speed, step length, single-limb support phase) and self-reported outcomes (pain, function, stiffness) in TKA and UKA patients 6 months after surgery, as well as in healthy controls. Six months following surgery, better short-term quadriceps strength and gait function together with less self-reported knee pain and stiffness were seen in UKA patients compared to TKA patients. Less functional impairments could be experienced in patients eligible for UKA vs those who required TKA.
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