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Shift work and incidence of psychiatric disorders: The Danish Nurse Cohort study

Journal of Psychiatric Research May 28, 2021

Jørgensen JT, Rozing MP, Hansen J, et al. - By using information from 19,964 female nurses (≥ 44 years) from the Danish Nurse Cohort, researchers herein investigated the link between shift work and mental health. At recruitment, these nurses reported current work schedule (day, evening, night, or rotating). A link of night shift work, vs day work, with mood disorders and with neurotic disorders was found. Enhanced links were noted in nurses with persistent night shift work as well as in those with specialist confirmed mood and neurotic disorders. Overall, an elevated risk of major psychiatric disorders was observed in relation to night shift work. Nurses with a history of psychiatric disorders and full-time workers were recognized as vulnerable groups and the novel suggestive findings of these groups were based on a limited number of cases, and further inquiry is required to verify the findings.

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