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Shape analysis of rectus extraocular muscles with age and axial length using anterior segment optical coherence tomography

PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Jan 06, 2021

Shibata K, Fujiwara A, Hamasaki I, et al. - Researchers conducted the study for assessing the shape of the extraocular muscles (EOMs) in normal individuals using the en-face images of anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT). The EOM insertion and the direction of the muscle fibers have been examined. In total, 97 healthy normal individuals (194 eyes) at Okayama University Hospital (age, 47.1±21.5 years; range, 8–79 years) partook in the study. From the images, the anterior chamber angle to EOM insertion distance (AID) and the angle of the muscle fibers from the insertion site (angle of muscles) were measured. AS-OCT will generate en-face images and the shape of the EOMs in normal individuals is available using these image measurements. With the ability to measure the EOMs, AID and angle of muscles are required to provide valuable knowledge for the treatment and diagnosis of strabismus-related diseases.

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