Sexual functioning in 4,418 postmenopausal women participating in UKCTOCS: A qualitative free-text analysis
Menopause Oct 05, 2019
Harder H, et al. - In this qualitative study, a large sample of postmenopausal women from the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS) was examined for their sexual activity, functioning, and satisfaction. Researchers used thematic analysis to appraise the free-text data of the Fallowfield Sexual Activity Questionnaire (FSAQ) completed by UKCTOCS participants at baseline before the annual screening. FSAQ completion was done by 24,305 UKCTOCS participants and free-text data were gained from 4,525 (19%); the analysis comprised 4,418 eligible comments. Participants had a median age of 64 years. They derived four interrelated themes: partner availability, physical and sexual health, mental well-being, and interpersonal relationships. The absence of sexual activity was primarily observed in correlation with lack of a partner, mainly due to widowhood (n = 1,000). As per observations, continuation of sexual activity and satisfaction are determined by having an intimate partner and good physical health. This study highlights the necessity for further sexual education for healthcare professionals to increase awareness about sexuality and sexual difficulties in later life.
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