Sexual frequency and pain in a randomized clinical trial of vaginal estradiol tablets, moisturizer, and placebo in postmenopausal women
Menopause Aug 06, 2019
Mitchell CM, et al. - Researchers examined two common interventions for bothersome postmenopausal vaginal symptoms for their efficacy in improving sexual frequency and pain. In this is a posthoc analysis, they evaluated data from a 12-week double-blind placebo-controlled trial randomizing postmenopausal women (ages 45-70 years) with moderate-severe genitourinary discomfort to vaginal 10 μg estradiol tablet plus placebo gel (n = 102), placebo tablet plus vaginal moisturizer (n = 100), or dual placebo (n = 100). Outcomes revealed no significant greater increase in the proportions of women reporting sexual activity or improvement in pain scores with sexual activity, in correlation to either low-dose vaginal estradiol or vaginal moisturizer treatment over 12 weeks, compared with placebo.
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