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Sexual dysfunction in women with multiple sclerosis: Prevalence and impact on quality of life

BMC Urology Feb 28, 2020

Nazari F, et al. - This cross-sectional study was carried out to ascertain the prevalence of SD among women with MS and its effect on the quality of life. This study was performed in 2018 on 300 women with MS aged 22–50 years in Isfahan, Iran, selected through systematic random sampling. Researchers obtained data applying the standard Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and MSQOL-54 and analyzed in SPSS using descriptive and analytical statistics. It was noted that the overall prevalence of SD was observed as 69.8% in women with MS, with the dimension of sexual desire being affected in 38.6% of the cases, sexual arousal in 38.6%, lubrication in 23.7%, orgasm in 37.3%, satisfaction in 23.4% and pain in 16.9%. Among women with MS, sexual dysfunction is highly prevalent and affects various dimensions of quality of life. It is considered that greater attention should be paid to the sexual problems faced by MS individuals in order to improve their quality of life.
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