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Sexual and gender minority U.S. youth tobacco use: Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study Wave 3, 2015–2016

American Journal of Preventive Medicine Jul 22, 2019

Johnson SE, et al. - Using data from Wave 3 (2015–2016) of the Population Assessment of Health Study, researchers analyzed tobacco use behaviors among gender minority (eg, transgender) youth. By transgender identity, sex, and sexual identity, they stratified data from youth aged 14–17 years (n=7,772). According to the findings, the likelihood of using tobacco products was higher among sexual minority youth and transgender youth vs their nonminority peers. The probability of reporting ever use of electronic nicotine products, cigarettes, cigars, hookah, and past 30-day use of electronic nicotine products, cigarettes, and cigars, was higher in female sexual minority youth vs straight female youth. Sexual minority male youth were more likely to report ever use of cigarettes vs straight male youth, but the two did not differ in ever or past 30-day use of any other tobacco products. Sexual minority youth and transgender youth have a higher likelihood of using tobacco products vs their nonminority peers, and as seen among adults, this is especially true for female sexual minority youth.

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