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Severe aortic stenosis and chronic kidney disease: Outcomes and impact of aortic valve replacement

Journal of the American Heart Association Oct 16, 2020

Bohbot Y, Candellier A, Diouf M, et al. - Since there is a poor understanding of the prognostic significance of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in severe aortic stenosis, therefore, researchers assessed the impact of aortic‐valve replacement (AVR) compared with conservative management on long‐term mortality according to stage of CKD. This analysis involved 4,119 patients suffering from severe aortic stenosis, who were split into 4 categories based on the baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate: no CKD, mild CKD, moderate CKD, and severe CKD. Findings revealed that increased mortality and reduced referral to AVR were reported in relation to moderate and severe CKD among patients with severe aortic stenosis. A marked decrease in all‐cause and cardiovascular mortality was shown to be conferred by AVR, irrespective of the CKD stage. Thus, physicians should continue considering AVR even in the presence of CKD.

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