Seven-year outcomes after hysteroscopic and laparoscopic sterilizations
Obstetrics and Gynecology Jan 30, 2019
Mao J, et al. - Via this observational cohort study of women undergoing hysteroscopic and laparoscopic sterilizations in outpatient and ambulatory surgical settings in New York State, researchers evaluated 7-year outcomes after hysteroscopic and laparoscopic sterilizations, including subsequent tubal interventions and hysterectomies. They identified 10,143 and 53,206 women who underwent interval hysteroscopic and laparoscopic sterilizations, respectively. Findings revealed hysteroscopic sterilization to be associated with an increased risk of additional tubal intervention within 7 years when compared with laparoscopic sterilization. The most pronounced difference was noted during the first year after the procedures. During the study period, they identified no increased risk of hysterectomy or any cancer after hysteroscopic sterilization despite a limited follow-up time.
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