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Serum potassium as a predictor of adverse clinical outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease: New risk equations using the UK clinical practice research datalink

BMC Nephrology Aug 27, 2018

Furuland H, et al. - Researchers developed equations to predict risks of mortality, major adverse cardiac events (MACE) and renin angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitor (RAASi) discontinuation using time-varying serum potassium and other covariates, in a UK cohort of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients vis performing a retrospective observational study of adult CKD patients listed on the Clinical Practice Research Datalink, with the first record of CKD (stage 3a–5, pre-dialysis) between 2006 and 2015. Findings suggested increased mortality and RAASi discontinuation risk in association with hyperkalaemia. They recognize these risk equations as a useful tool to forecast clinical outcomes among CKD patients; and recognize those likely to benefit from strategies that treat hyperkalaemia, prevent RAASi discontinuation, and effectively manage serum potassium levels.
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