Serum osteoprotegerin is an independent marker of central arterial stiffness as assessed using carotid–femoral pulse wave velocity in hemodialysis patients: A cross sectional study
BMC Nephrology May 28, 2019
Hou JS, et al. - Among hemodialysis (HD) patients, researchers examined the link between central arterial stiffness and serum osteoprotegerin (OPG) levels. They obtained blood samples from 120 HD patients, and used a validated tonometry system to measure the carotid–femoral pulse wave velocity (cfPWV) value. They defined the high artery stiffness group by cfPWV value of > 10 m/s. They analyzed serum OPG levels categorically into tertiles. Among participants, a positive link was evident between serum OPG levels and central arterial stiffness. A greater impact of calcium load on central arterial stiffening could be seen in patients with high serum OPG levels.
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