Serum levels of Pentraxin 3 differ significantly at the time of blastocyst transfer depending on implantation success: A pilot study
Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics Apr 07, 2018
Freis A, et al. - Researchers searched for differences in serum levels of Pentraxin 3 (PTX3) at the time of embryo transfer between women with an ongoing pregnancy compared to those without implantation. Concerning possible confounders (patients age, smoking pattern, embryo quality, number of embryos transferred and prior In vitro fertilization attempts), no significant differences were identified. Significantly higher serum levels of PTX3 were noted in patients without implantation at the time of embryo transfer compared to women who became pregnant. Thereby suggesting that PTX3 could present as a possible biomarker for Artificial reproductive treatment success.
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