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Serum and urine albumin and response to loop diuretics in heart failure

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Apr 26, 2019

Charokopos A, et al. - Given that, in human heart failure, low serum albumin and high urine albumin can hypothetically limit diuretic delivery to the site of action due to the tendency of loop diuretics to tightly bind albumin, researchers investigated if this represents a clinically pertinent mechanism of diuretic resistance. For this purpose, they analyzed 208 outpatients with heart failure receiving diuretic treatment at the Yale Transitional Care Center. For validating the results, they used an inpatient heart failure cohort (n=60). Findings revealed no correlation between serum albumin levels and urinary diuretic excretion. They also found that urinary albumin levels and diuretic efficiency were not related.

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