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Serum amyloid P deposition is a sensitive and specific feature of membranous-like glomerulopathy with masked IgG kappa deposits

Kidney International Nov 17, 2019

Larsen CP, Sharma SG, Caza TN, et al. - Given that young females suffering glomerulonephritis and having proteinuria and a vague history of autoimmune disease such as low titer antinuclear antibodies most often show membranous-like glomerulopathy with masked IgG kappa deposits (MGMID), a recently defined pattern of glomerulonephritis portrayed by subepithelial and/or mesangial immune deposits that are “masked”, to immunoglobulin staining by routine immunofluorescence but strongly stain for IgG and kappa light chain following protease digestion, researchers performed a comparison of the mass spectrometry profile of laser capture microdissected glomeruli from 9 MGMID renal biopsies with 8 biopsies revealing other patterns of membranous glomerulopathy. In MGMID, serum amyloid P was identified as the most significantly raised protein. In the glomeruli of all 32 MGMID biopsies, serum amyloid P was found to be positive, however, this was negative in biopsies of other types of membranous glomerulopathies such as those related to PLA2R and THSD7A. Overall, a unique form of glomerulonephritis was recognized by positive staining within glomerular deposits for serum amyloid P. This unique form of glomerulonephritis possibly shares a common pathophysiologic mechanism of disease.
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