Serum albumin and hospitalization among pediatric patients with end-stage renal disease who started dialysis therapy
Pediatric Nephrology Oct 05, 2019
Okuda Y, Obi Y, Streja E, et al. - In this retrospective cohort study, researchers investigated the link between serum albumin and hospitalization frequency and total hospitalization days in children (1–17 years old having end-stage renal disease) new to dialysis, by utilizing a negative binomial regression model. Overall 416 eligible patients were analyzed, with mean ± SD baseline serum albumin level of 3.7 ± 0.8 g/dL. Among participants, higher hospitalization was reported in relation to both high and low serum albumin. This observed link is novel and not completely explainable particularly for high serum albumin levels, therefore, there is a need to exercise caution while interpreting the outcomes.
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