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Serological biomarkers of candidemia: A retrospective evaluation of three assays

Infection Oct 04, 2018

Dichtl K, et al. - Given the significance of serologic testing for rapid detection of candidemia, the sensitivities and specificities of individual tests, ie the Virion\Serion ELISA antigen test (Ag), Hemkit Candida IHA antibody test (Ab), and Wako β-1,3-d-glucan assay (BDG), as well as their combinations were assessed. They performed these tests on serum samples from 120 cases of culture-confirmed candidemia and 44 Candida-negative controls. For the early diagnosis of candidemia, serological markers are valuable tools. Findings suggest a high specificity of Ab, Ag, and BDG testing. Compared to combined Candida-Ag/Ab testing, the Wako BDG test proved significantly more sensitive, particularly in the setting of non-albicans species and specific host factors.

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