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Sentinel-node biopsy in early-stage ovarian cancer: Preliminary results of a prospective multicentre study (SELLY)

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Jul 04, 2019

Uccella S, et al. - In this work, researchers sought to report the results of the first part of the Sentinel Lymph Nodes in Early-Stage Ovarian Cancer trial, a prospective, phase II, single-arm study comprising 31 patients with presumed stages I–II epithelial ovarian cancer planned for immediate or delayed minimally invasive comprehensive staging. The results covered the feasibility of the sentinel lymph node technique and the preliminary findings regarding its safety and accuracy. Patients submitted to delayed-staging surgery had low detection of sentinel node in early epithelial ovarian cancer. Observations, however, support the feasibility of sentinel node procedure and indicates its potential to afford reliable and useful information on the nodal status and its possible utility for avoiding systematic lymphadenectomy in the majority of patients.
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