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Seminal plasma neutral alpha-glucosidase activity as an early predictor of patency and natural pregnancy after microsurgical vasoepididymostomy

Andrologia Jan 31, 2019

Li JP, et al. - In view of the recommendation of microsurgical vasoepididymostomy (MVE) as a first-line option for treating epididymal obstructive azoospermia (EOA), researchers explored the early predictive value of seminal plasma neutral alpha-glucosidase (NAG) activity for patency and natural pregnancy after MVE. Evaluating 84 patients with EOA who underwent MVE, they identified that for predicting patency and pregnancy, the best cut-off values of NAG activity were 15.9 and 17.0 m IU/ejaculate, respectively. NAG activity measured at the first month after MVE is thus identified to be an early and independent predictor of patency and natural pregnancy
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