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Self-reported perinatal depressive symptoms and postnatal symptom severity after treatment with antidepressants in pregnancy: A cross-sectional study across 12 European countries using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale

Clinical Epidemiology Jun 18, 2018

Lupattelli A, et al. - A multinational web-based study was conducted across 12 European countries in order to investigate the prevalence of self-reported antenatal and postnatal depressive symptoms by severity across multiple countries as well as to examine the relationship between antidepressant treatment in pregnancy and postnatal symptom severity. Findings revealed that the prevalence of self-reported antenatal and postnatal depressive symptoms varied across European countries. Results suggested that among women with psychiatric disorders, the individuals who had been on treatment with antidepressants during pregnancy were less inclined to report postnatal depressive symptoms, especially within the 6-month period after childbirth, compared with the nonmedicated counterpart.
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