Self-reported incident hypertension and long-term kidney function in living kidney donors compared with healthy nondonors
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Sep 29, 2019
Holscher CM, Haugen CE, Jackson KR, et al. - Researchers compared living kidney donors (n = 1,295; with median 6 years of follow-up) with a weighted cohort of healthy nondonors (n = 8,233) to examine the link between living kidney donation, hypertension, and long-term eGFR. They used a parametric survival model to quantify the risk of self-reported hypertension. They focused on the link of hypertension with annual alteration in eGFR applying multilevel linear regression and clustering by participant, with an interaction term for race. They found a higher risk of hypertension among kidney donors vs similar healthy nondonors, irrespective of race. A mean drop in eGFR was noted for white and black nondonors, which steepened following incident hypertension. A plateau in the usual postdonation rise of eGFR was observed in donors who developed hypertension.
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