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Self-removal of a urinary catheter after urogynecologic surgery: A randomized controlled trial

Obstetrics and Gynecology Oct 31, 2019

Shatkin-Margolis A, Yook E, Hill AM, et al. - Researchers examined the efficacy of self-discontinuation of a transurethral catheter vs office discontinuation in patients requiring indwelling catheterization for postoperative urinary retention after pelvic reconstructive surgery via performing a randomized noninferiority trial. Participants comprised patients with postoperative urinary retention after pelvic reconstructive surgery. Assignment of patients to self-discontinuation or office discontinuation of their catheter 1 week after surgery was done. Outcomes revealed the non-inferiority of self-discontinuation of a transurethral catheter to office-based discontinuation in the setting of postoperative urinary retention after pelvic reconstructive surgery. They observed fewer patient encounters and improved patient experience in correlation to self-discontinuation.
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