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Self-etching primers vs acid conditioning: Impact on bond strength between ceramics and resin cement

Operative Dentistry Apr 01, 2018

Tribst JPM, et al. - Researchers aimed to determine if same bonding capacity was provided between resin cement and feldspathic (Fd) and lithium disilicate (Ld) ceramics by a self-etching surface agent and the conventional hydrofluoric acid (HF). The highest bond strength for Fd and Ld ceramics and a decrease in surface wettability was demonstrated by the self-etching agent. The presence of similar components in the tested materials with different topographies for both was revealed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Hence, even higher bonding than HF+silane to a resin cement was delivered by the self-etching primer.
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