Self-care peritoneal dialysis patients with cognitive impairment have a higher risk of peritonitis in the second year
Peritoneal Dialysis International Jan 31, 2019
Shea YF, et al. - Whether cognitive impairment has a negative impact on the outcome of patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD), especially with regard to peritonitis was investigated in this single-center 2-year prospective cohort study involving 206 patients at 1 PD unit. Researchers performed the Hong Kong Montreal Cognitive Assessment Score (HK-MoCA) was performed at baseline and after 1 year on PD. Findings revealed that risk factors for cognitive impairment in PD patients were increasing age, female sex, anemia, and presence of peripheral vascular disease (PVD). Results also revealed a higher risk for PD-related peritonitis in the second year for self-care PD patients with cognitive impairment at 1 year. Peritonitis was predicted only by HK-MoCA-defined cognitive impairment and HK-MoCA scores at 1 year, as revealed in logistic regression. Interval HK-MoCA assessment was recommended to detect cognitive impairment in local PD patients.
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