Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor use and hip fracture risk among patients on hemodialysis
American Journal of Kidney Diseases Oct 18, 2019
Vangala C, et al. - Via this case-control analysis, researchers studied the influence of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) on hip fracture risk among patients with kidney failure managed by hemodialysis, a unique high-risk subpopulation. They selected eligible cases from the US Renal Data System. They matched each case on index date with 10 eligible controls. The criteria for inclusion were having more than 1 year of Medicare Parts A and B coverage and more than 3 years of Part D coverage. This study included a total of 4,912 cases and 49,120 controls. Findings revealed increased hip fracture risk in correlation with the use of both long- and new short-term SSRI. The link was stronger for new short-term use, this may indicate an acute mechanism potentially associated with falls.
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