Secular trends in incidence, modality, and mortality with dialysis receiving AKI in children in Ontario: A population-based cohort study
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Aug 30, 2019
Chanchlani R, Nash DM, McArthur E, et al. - Changes in the incidence of dialysis-receiving AKI were examined among children over a period of 20 years in Ontario, Canada. Further, temporal trends in the utilization of various dialysis modalities and 30-day mortality were evaluated among children with dialysis-receiving AKI. From healthcare administrative databases, researchers identified 1,394 children (29 days to 18 years) who were treated with dialysis for AKI during a hospital stay, between 1996 and 2015. Hospitalized children showed a significant increase in the incidence of dialysis-receiving AKI from 1996 (0.58 per 1,000 person-years) to 2015 (0.65 per 1,000 person-years). They noted an increase in the use of continuous kidney replacement therapy and intermittent hemodialysis whereas a decline in the relative use of peritoneal dialysis over time. Between 1996 and 2009, an increase in 30-day mortality rates after dialysis-receiving AKI was observed from 14% to 25% and in the more recent years, these rated reduced to 19%.
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