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Screening for Mullerian anomalies in patients with unilateral renal agenesis: Leveraging early detection to prevent complications

Journal of Pediatric Urology Feb 23, 2018

Friedman MA, et al. - Current data regarding the association between renal and Mullerian anomalies was reviewed, and screening recommendations were proposed. Researchers realized that long-term complications from untreated obstructive malformations could be prevented with screening young women with unilateral renal agenesis (URA) and multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK) for Mullerian anomalies. Identification of unilateral renal agenesis on antenatal ultrasound must be clearly articulated with parents and the child's pediatrician so that proper screening can be performed before menarche. Pelvic sonography at a low-cost with high-yield could identify these anomalies.
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