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Screening for asymptomatic coronary artery disease in waitlisted kidney transplant candidates: A cost-utility analysis

American Journal of Kidney Diseases Dec 11, 2019

Ying T, Tran A, Webster AC, et al. - In this modeled cost-utility analysis of a theoretical cohort of adult Australian and New Zealand kidney transplant people on the waitlist, experts ascertained the cost-efficiency of no additional screening compared with regular screening for asymptomatic coronary artery disease (CAD) and assessed possible substantial variables that may influence outcomes of the economic assessment prior to the completion of the trial. As recognized by the one-way sensitivity analyses, the most prominent variables were the costs of transplantation in the first year and predominance of CAD. Results imply that no additional screening for CAD following waitlisting is expected to be cost-efficient and may enhance survival. Moreover, subsisting uncertainty would be decreased by precision around CAD pervasiveness estimates and healthcare resource use.
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