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Screening and behavioral counseling interventions to reduce unhealthy alcohol use in adolescents and adults: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement

JAMA Nov 16, 2018

Curry SJ, et al. - Researchers reviewed evidence on the effectiveness of screening to reduce unhealthy alcohol use and updated the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) 2013 guidelines on screening for unhealthy alcohol use in primary care settings accordingly. Overall, based on findings, they recommended screening for unhealthy alcohol use in primary care settings in adults, including pregnant women, and providing individuals who are engaged in risky or hazardous drinking with brief behavioral counseling interventions to reduce unhealthy alcohol use.


  • A review of the evidence was commissioned by the USPSTF on the efficacy of screening to reduce unhealthy alcohol use, morbidity, mortality, or risky behaviors and to improve health, social, or legal outcomes; the accuracy of various screening approaches; the effectiveness of counseling interventions to reduce unhealthy alcohol use, morbidity, mortality, or risky behaviors.
  • The USPSTF examined evidence on the effectiveness of screening to reduce unhealthy alcohol use, morbidity, mortality, or risky behaviors and to improve health, social, or legal outcomes; the accuracy of various screening approaches; the effectiveness of counseling interventions to reduce unhealthy alcohol use, morbidity, mortality, or risky behaviors and to improve health, social, or legal outcomes; and the potential adverse implications of screening and behavioral counseling interventions.


  • Findings suggested moderate net benefit of screening and brief behavioral counseling interventions for unhealthy alcohol use in adults, including pregnant women.
  • The available evidence, however, was inadequate for the assessment of screening benefits and potential adverse effects and brief behavioral counseling interventions for unhealthy alcohol use in adolescents (aged 12-17 years).
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