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Salivary characteristics and dental caries experience in remote Indigenous children in Australia: A cross-sectional study

BMC Oral Health Jan 23, 2019

Lalloo R, et al. - Researchers examined kids in an Indigenous community in remote north Queensland, Australia to estimate the relationships between caries experience and putative biomarkers in saliva, considering their oral hygiene and dietary habits. They noted caries experience by the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS-II), and quantified as decayed, missing and filled surfaces. They observed 3.64 (SD: 4.97), 1.08 (4.38) and 0.79 (1.84) of the mean cumulative decayed (DS + ds), missing (MS + ms) and filled (FS + fs) surfaces, respectively. They noticed more caries experience in candidates with higher salivary mutans streptococci (MS) and lactobacilli (LB) count, low frequency of tooth brushing and daily soft drink consumption.
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