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Safety and effectiveness of cypass supraciliary micro-stent in primary open-angle glaucoma: Five-year results from the COMPASS XT Study

American Journal of Ophthalmology Aug 06, 2019

Reiss G, et al. - In this 3-year safety extension of a two-year randomized clinical trial, researchers described the long-term (up to 5 years) safety and efficacy of the supraciliary micro-stent implanted with coexisting open-angle glaucoma and visually significant cataract at the time of phacoemulsification in eyes. Participants from the multicenter COMPASS trial who had micro-stent implantation plus phacoemulsification (n = 215) or phacoemulsification alone (n = 67) were assessed 36, 48, and 60 months postoperatively. Ocular adverse events were of comparable frequencies in both groups, the most common of which were BCVA loss > 2 lines vs best BCVA in COMPASS and worsening of visual field mean defect > 2.5 dB vs Month 24. Following micro-stent implantation, few sight-threatening serious adverse events occurred, and there was minimal clinical evidence of corneal decompensation.
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