Safety and dose-dependency of eptacog beta (activated) in a dose escalation study of non-bleeding congenital haemophilia A or B patients, with or without inhibitors
Haemophilia Oct 12, 2017
Ducore J, et al. - This first dose-escalation study of eptacog beta (recombinant human FVIIa, rhFVIIa) was planned to assess the safety, pharmacokinetics, and laboratory pharmacodynamics of 3 doses of rhFVIIa in non-bleeding patients with congenital haemophilia A or B with or without inhibitors. Findings revealed that eptacog beta at doses of 25, 75, and 225 μg/kg was pharmacodynamically active and well tolerated in non-bleeding patients with congenital haemophilia A or B.
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