Routine patellar resurfacing during total knee arthroplasty is not cost-effective in patients without patellar arthritis
Journal of Arthroplasty May 02, 2019
Zmistowski B, et al. - Prospective randomized studies of patella resurfacing vs non-resurfacing in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) were analyzed to assess cost-utility of routinely vs selectively resurfacing the patella. Researchers analyzed a total of 14 studies with 3,562 patients receiving 3,823 TKAs; 1,873 (49.0%) of these patellae were resurfaced. As per outcomes, patellar resurfacing in TKA continues to be a controversial issue. This analysis did not identify routinely resurfacing arthritis-free patellae in TKA as cost-effective.
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