Rotator cuff repair is more painful than other arthroscopic shoulder procedures
Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery Dec 21, 2018
Calvo E, et al. - Authors studied 95 cases (51 underwent rotator cuff tear repair, 25 shoulder stabilization, and 19 subacromial decompression) to evaluate the impact of surgical procedure performed and other aspects on the intensity of acute postoperative pain following outpatient shoulder arthroscopy. They were prescribed with acetaminophen with ibuprofen for postoperative pain control and tramadol HCl as a rescue remedy and their pain intensity was measured at 2, 6, and 24 h postoperatively. They observed higher pain intensity among those undergoing rotator cuff tear repair at 24 h compared to stabilization or subacromial decompression. They noted no relation between pain intensity and other variables like age, gender and surgery duration etc.
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