Rotating-hinge revision total knee arthroplasty for treatment of severe arthrofibrosis
Journal of Arthroplasty Feb 10, 2019
Bingham JS, et al. - In this study, researchers analyzed the data to examine the arc of motion, Knee Society scores (KSSs), and implant survivorship in patients with arthrofibrosis revised with a rotating-hinge (RH). They noticed an increment in the mean arc of motion to 20° (74° to 94°) in the RH group vs 12° (87° to 99°) in the non-RH group with an increase in KSSs. They found 54% of survivorship free of any revision at 10 years in the RH group whereas 90% in the non-RH group. Although, they reported a greater risk of re-revision in the RH group. They also noted 83%, survivorship free of revision for aseptic loosening at 10 years in the RH group and 96% in the non-RH group.
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