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Roles of peritoneal clearance and residual kidney removal in control of uric acid in patients on peritoneal dialysis

BMC Nephrology Apr 30, 2020

Xiao X, Ye H, Yi C, et al. - Among patients receiving peritoneal dialysis (PD), researchers assessed peritoneal uric acid (UA) elimination as well as its influencing factors in this cross-sectional analysis. Participants were patients who had a peritoneal equilibration test and were evaluated for Kt/V from April 1, 2018 to August 31, 2019. Significantly lower peritoneal UA clearance was detected in the hyperuricemia group vs the normal serum UA (SUA) group. An independent link of peritoneal UA clearance with continuous SUA and hyperuricemia status was identified, only in patients having lower (≤ 2.74 mL/min/1.73 m2) measured glomerular filtration rate. Greater peritoneal UA clearance (> 39.8 L/week/1.73m2) was detected in relation to each 1 kg/m2 reduction in body mass index, each 1 g/dL decline in albumin level, and each 0.1% rise in average glucose level in dialysate. Overall, experts noted that peritoneal clearance dominated in SUA balance for patients receiving PD and having worse residual kidney function. In lower transporters, increasing dialysis dose or average glucose level may help in controlling hyperuricemia.

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