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Rivaroxaban, a direct factor Xa inhibitor, ameliorates hypertensive renal damage through inhibition of the inflammatory response mediated by protease-activated receptor pathway

Journal of the American Heart Association Apr 11, 2019

Ichikawa H, et al. - In hypertensive mice overexpressing renin (Ren-TG), researchers studied the impacts of rivaroxaban (factor Xa inhibitor) on hypertensive renal damage. Via oral route, Ren-TG and wild-type mice (12- to 16-week-old) were administered with or without 6 or 12 mg/kg of rivaroxaban for 1 or 4 months. In the Ren-TG vs in the wild-type mice, a significantly increased plasma factor Xa was seen that was reduced by 12 mg/kg of rivaroxaban. Compared with the wild-type mice, the nontreated 8-month-old Ren-TG had higher urinary albumin excretion (UAE). UAE was reduced to 38.1±13.2 μg/day by treatment with 12 mg/kg of rivaroxaban for 4 months. Overall, the protective impacts of rivaroxaban against angiotensin II–induced renal damage were suggested, which were partly via inhibition of the PAR (protease-activated receptors)-2 signaling-mediated inflammatory response.
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